Hi All! I am happy to announce that we are officially launching Vital Vida Vendors. I am excited about the opportunity to create a community for expressing our gifts and talents and to elevate the work of the many talented people I am surrounded by daily. I also hope to create more space in my life to practice creative expression and to allow my imagination to play, because these as fundamental for collective liberation. I was struck during a session where Saidiya Hartman was quoted saying "So much of the work of oppression is about policing the imagination." It shifted the way I think about justice work and my role in that. I shifted from an approach that felt exploitative, exhausting and that unintentionally reproduced oppressive conditions for myself and my community to an approach that is rooted in expression, love, care, and joy as methods of disruption to the status quo and oppressive systems. I believe that when those of us in the margins can be in joy and peace and dare to allow our imaginations to drive the way we move through the world, it inevitably makes our humanity impossible to ignore.
I will be adding more products as we build our collections. If you are interested in being featured in our store, please click here to submit an interest form.
I will also be sharing via this blog some of my thoughts, experiences, and the organizations we will be supporting.
Thank you for your support! I hope you see something you like!